Tiago Jorge Bento Cardoso, Ph.D. -- Lundbeck
Guillaume Brisson, Ph.D. – Adjunct professor, Laval University
Hélène Doucet Beaupré, Ph.D. – Medicine student, Laval University
Axelle Dovonou, Ph.D. -- Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux (Québec, QC)
Anne-Marie Castonguay, Ph.D -- Research professional (Québec)
Marcos Schaan Profes, Ph.D. – Postdoc, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, (New York, USA)
Sarah Ben Yousef, Ph.D.
Cléophace Akitegetse, Ph.D. – R&D at Zillia Health (Québec)
Charleen Salesse, Ph.D. – Ministère de la santé (Québec)
Audrey Chabrat, Ph.D. – Researcher at Servier (Paris)
Cyril Bolduc, M.Sc. – PhD candidate, McGill University
Francis Quessy, M.Sc. – Supervisor - Lab support, GSK (Québec)
Marina Lorente Picon, M.Sc. – PhD candidate, Vall d’Hebron Research Institue (Espagne)
Caroline Lafrechoux, M.Sc. – Clinical research at Syneos Health
François Côté, M.Sc. – Test and integration scientist - Aerospace, ABB (Québec)
Marishka Mehta, M.Sc. – PhD candidate, USA
Catherine Gilbert, M.Sc. – PhD candidate, Innsbruck University
Julien Charest, M.Sc. – PhD candidate, Université de Vienne